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Work in progress

Research Symposium

“Tourism, territories and societies: Sustainable development based on scientific research and integrated management.” April 15 – 17, 2011 Coyhaique, Aysén Region of Chile


"Tourism can alleviate poverty, educate the public, and preserve cultural, natural and historic resources. Done poorly, tourism fails to provide local benefits and may destroy the distinctive assets of a destination," (Jonathan B. Tourtellot, Director of National Geographic's Center for Sustainable Destinations (CSD)). The global development of tourism has created a phenomenon that reaches into even the most remote geographies and leaves a permanent mark. Academic study of the tourism phenomenon is a relatively recent endeavor, which began in the latter half of the 20th century. Key concepts and approaches have evolved through several theoretical paradigms, including geography, anthropology, sociology, economics, natural resource use and management, development studies, behavioral psychology, marketing and business management studies. As in any emerging academic sub-discipline, scholars of tourism disagree about how to best define and measure the basic concepts they seek to describe. The purpose of this symposium is to bring together scientific researchers, sector experts, public entities, businesses and local citizens, to discuss and debate concepts related to the phenomenon of tourism and its potential to contribute to sustainable development. The goal is to provide a forum for exchange of both theoretical and applied concepts; to provoke thought, inform action, and expand the potential for tourism to be an agent of sustainable development. A number of basic questions remain. What are the parameters of tourist experiences? Is displacement a critical component of the travel experience? What is the difference between traveler and tourist or even ethnographers? What are the boundaries of constructed experiences? How and when can tourism contribute to sustainable development? How does the tourism phenomenon relate to anthropological theory, such as acculturation, authenticity, and identity construction? What are the research priorities and agendas to accompany tourism development? INVITATION: You are invited to be a part of this dialogue, which will take place April 15 – 17, 2011, in Coyhaique, Aysén Region of Chile. Share in the presentations, engage in conversation and debate, and be a part of the ongoing dialogue which this event will foster. All participants who participate in the sessions will receive a certificate of participation and knowledge acquisition, at the end of the conference. Submit an abstract of your research, for inclusion in the academic poster and oral presentations which will take place on Saturday, April 16. Abstracts should consist of a 350 word summary of the research and an overview of no more than 4 pages, outlining the predominant theory, methods, research results, and outcomes. Abstracts should be mailed, electronically, to Abstracts will be accepted in Spanish, English, and French, from January 1 – March 15, 2011. Notification of acceptance will take place on or before March 25, 2011.

Crédits : conception et graphisme du site, mise en page et graphisme de la revue, conception du logo :

NODE Contact : Frédéric Lebas

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