9th International Mountain and Outdoor Sports Conference 21st – 24th November 2018

Hosted at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Czech Republic, organised by the Department of Turistika, Outdoor Sports and Outdoor Education.
We warmly invite all experts and students from universities, leaders and trainers from (inter)national federations, policy and decision-makers to take part in the conference.
We especially support young educators, scientists and practitioners to share their research and practice, and discuss their experiences amongst internationally recognised experts. The best contributions will be nominated for the Young Investigators Award – more information here.
Outdoor activities for health and well-being
Outdoor and adventurous activities for learning
Training and performance in outdoor sports
Outdoor activities and socio-economic impacts
Practical workshops
Games and play in outdoor learning – more information here.
Training and testing in climbing - more information here.
The conference has received excellent feedback and reviews because
it is not a mega event but a middle-size gathering where you have the chance to meet, get to know and even find a common project
it has an informal atmosphere supporting discussions and mutual learning
it is attended by people from different parts of the field – practitioners, teachers, researchers, policy makers, managers and leaders of organisations
it is a learning opportunity for young students and volunteers
Prague, Czech Republic : www.imosc.org